Extending to Traveling Salesman Problem

>> Monday, July 19, 2010

My next step in my A.I. investigation was to extend the route-finding problem to do a touring problem. This is basically a simplified traveling salesman problem where you pick a starting node and have to visit each node one time.

This turned out to be pretty easy with the code I already had. I first created a new interface called Goal with just one method:

public interface GoalInterface {
public boolean goalMet(State currentState);
For the existing route finding problem, I moved the goalTest method to an implementation of this interface:

public boolean goalMet(State currentState) {
return currentState.getCurrentNode().getNodeName()
Note that the constructor for this goal takes in the goalNode

Then I just updated the RouteFindingProblem to take a Goal (described below) instead of an goalNode.

The new signature for solve:
public Path solve(final Node initialNode, final GoalInterface goal) { }

And instead of calling the goalTest method, I just call goal.goalMet(). At this point the initial route-finiding problem produces the same results and all the tests still pass.

For the touring problem, I just had to create a new goal. The goalMet() method just checks if every node has been visited by calling this method:
private boolean isEveryNodeVisited(final State currentState) {
boolean tourComplete = true;
final List<Action> currentPathActions = currentState.getCurrentPath()
final Set<Node> currentlyVisitedNodes = new HashSet<Node>();
for (Action nextPathAction : currentPathActions) {

// make sure all nodes were visited
for (Node nextNode : allNodes) {
if (!currentlyVisitedNodes.contains(nextNode)
&& !nextNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
initialNode.getNodeName())) {
tourComplete = false;
return tourComplete;

A couple things about this. First, it is not very efficient, but for my testing that is not a big deal. Next, I had to add an extra check for the initialNode since the path that is stored in currentState has a list of actions after the initialNode, but does not include the initialNode.

The last thing I had to do was simplify the map. Since my map of Romania had a few branches that had only one route, there was no way to visit each city only one time. I just "trimmed" the branches and ended up with these segments:

segments = [
new Segment(start:"Arad", end:"Zerind", cost:75),
new Segment(start:"Arad", end:"Sibiu", cost:140),
new Segment(start:"Arad", end:"Timisoara", cost:118),
new Segment(start:"Bucharest", end:"Fagaras", cost:211),
new Segment(start:"Bucharest", end:"Pitesti", cost:101),
new Segment(start:"Craiova", end:"Drobeta", cost:120),
new Segment(start:"Craiova", end:"Pitesti", cost:138),
new Segment(start:"Craiova", end:"Rimnieu Vilcea", cost:146),
new Segment(start:"Drobeta", end:"Mehadia", cost:75),
new Segment(start:"Fagaras", end:"Sibiu", cost:99),
new Segment(start:"Lugoj", end:"Mehadia", cost:70),
new Segment(start:"Lugoj", end:"Timisoara", cost:111),
new Segment(start:"Oradea", end:"Sibiu", cost:151),
new Segment(start:"Oradea", end:"Zerind", cost:71),
new Segment(start:"Pitesti", end:"Rimnieu Vilcea", cost:97),
new Segment(start:"Rimnieu Vilcea", end:"Sibiu", cost:80)

Then I ran these tests in Groovy:

//make sure each node results in a path
nodes.each {assert problem.solve(it, new TouringGoal(it, nodes)) != null}
//check a couple paths
assert 1327 == (problem.solve(findNode(nodes, "Arad"), new TouringGoal(findNode(nodes, "Arad"), nodes))).getPathCost();
assert 1294 == (problem.solve(findNode(nodes, "Sibiu"), new TouringGoal(findNode(nodes, "Sibiu"), nodes))).getPathCost();

And finally I did a test to display the results in Groovy:

Node testNode = findNode(nodes, "Bucharest");
Path resultPath = problem.solve(testNode, new TouringGoal(testNode, nodes));
//display the results
println("Shortest tour from " + testNode.toString());
if(resultPath == null){
println("No route found");
} else {
for (Action nextAction : resultPath.getActions()) {

With the results:

Shortest tour from In(Bucharest)
Go(Rimnieu Vilcea)(97)

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions on improvements!

Update 7/27/10: Uploaded the source code.


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