Use Groovy to Find Database Size

>> Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Last week I found a SQL statement to find the size of rows in a database. That was helpful but I wanted to be able to run this from the command line. Sounds like a good job for the Groovy database features.

import groovy.sql.Sql

//connect to the database
def sql = Sql.newInstance('jdbc:oracle:thin:user/pass@host:1521:database')

//define the statement to run
def sizeStatement = """select table_name, num_rows, avg_row_len,
ROUND((num_rows * avg_row_len / 1048576),2) "mb_used"
from user_tables
where num_rows > 0"""

//create a date to output (not needed for SQL, just for reporting purposes
def formattedDate = String.format('%tD %
//output the results
sql.eachRow(sizeStatement) { row ->
println "${formattedDate},${row.table_name},${row.mb_used}"

A nice little script. The only catch is that my database is Oracle so I need to pass in the driver jar when I run the script from the command line like this

groovy -classpath OracleThinDrivers.jar CheckSize.groovy


status_quo_ante March 16, 2011 at 9:18 AM  


Would you care to summarize the steps at a high level for a non java dev to use this? Do we need some particular something installed in order to run groovy on java or...?

Matt March 16, 2011 at 10:42 AM  

You will need both Groovy and Java installed.

First install Java:

Then install Groovy:
There are some environment variables you may need to set up that are detailed on this page.

Then create a folder and copy your OracleThinDrivers.jar into there (or whatever jar is appropriate for you database). Create a new file in that folder (named CheckSize.groovy) and copy/paste the script contents from above. You don't really need these in the same folder, but it makes running the command easier.

Finally you should be able to run the command above from a command line (in Windows Shell or Terminal on linux, etc).

I hope that helps. Feel free to add more comments or email me directly (address on the blog) if you have more questions.

Anonymous,  March 16, 2011 at 12:03 PM  


You have a few options for dealing with the "catch" you mentioned (and I agree that it is a catch):


Matt March 16, 2011 at 12:42 PM  

Thanks for the link Dustin. I thought about using the .groovy/lib for that driver but I didn't know about the RootLoader. I'll have to try that out.

Anonymous,  March 16, 2011 at 1:57 PM  

It's an opportunity to practice Ruby, I guess. But sqlplus would've done the job faster and better.

Anonymous,  March 16, 2011 at 1:58 PM  

Eh, I mean Groovy. I guess my brain refuses to acknowledge Groovy.

Andrew Taylor March 16, 2011 at 5:49 PM  

Matt, if you put the oracle driver jar in your ~/.groovy/lib directory, you won't have to include it in your class path anymore.

Matt March 16, 2011 at 8:00 PM  

Not sure why a is showing up in the script on this page. That shouldn't be there

Matt March 17, 2011 at 8:29 AM  

If you are really interested, be sure to understand the user_tables and how often it is updated

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